The meaning of TRAINING is the act, process, or method of one that trains. How to use training in a sentence.
Browse all paths Create a personalized learning plan with AI We use AI to help you create a personalized and tailored learning plan that considers your unique needs and provides the most relevant content. Create plan with AI Looking for specific training content?
Develop skills through interactive modules and paths or learn from an instructor. Learn and grow your way. Browse all paths Customize my path Looking for specific training content? Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step-by-step guidance. Start your journey today...
为更清晰地理解coaching的含义,要把它和mentoring、training区别开来。虽然这⼏种⾏为没有明显的不同,仍然存在细微的差别: Coaching 在中⽂⾥多称“教练”,是指导他⼈为了某个特定的⽬标⽽制定计划,并⿎励学员有创意地克服障碍来完成计划; Training是由拥有特定专业技术的⼈来传递特定的课程...
A₂O以总制作人李秀满极具前瞻性的理念为核心,通过业界最优的Casting+Training+Producing+Management System+全球化成熟造星经验培养新生代唱跳偶像;并依托元宇宙多维内容矩阵以及人工智能AI科技助推个性化数字艺人的成长。围绕真人+数字艺人,在强劲的内容生产力和WEB 3.0技术开拓的双核驱动下,不断提升娱乐的多样性和新颖...
Enhance your brain with CogniFit, #1 Doctor trusted brain training for memory, focus, math and more. Start training now!
More Information. Cookie Settings Only Essential Cookies Accept All English 简体中文 English Training HMS Courses Ads Courses AppGallery Connect Learning Pathways Developer Zone Brilliant Activity More Training HMS Courses More Ads Courses AppGallery Connect Learning Pathways Developer Zone Brilliant Activity ...
Browse all paths Looking for specific training content? Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step-by-step guidance. Start your journey today by exploring our learning paths, modules, and courses. Browse training ...
No matter where you are in your training journey, TrainingPeaks is the best place to push yourself and redefine your limits. Built for runners, cyclists, triathletes, and everyone in between, TrainingPeaks helps you stay on track and achieve your goals with powerful data metrics, scheduling tools...