Han X, Zhang Z, Ding N, et al. Pre-trained models: Past, present and future[J]. AI Open, 2021.
预训练模型成为了AI邻域的一个里程碑。由于复杂的预训练任务和巨大的模型参数,大规模PTMs可以有效地从大量标记和未标记的数据中获取知识。AI邻域的共识是采用PTMs作为下游任务的主干,而不是从头开始学习模型。现有的大规模PTMs改善了各种AI任务的模型性能,甚至颠覆了我们目前对深度学习模型性能的看法。 目前PTMs存在的...
Trained models & code to predict toxic comments on all 3 Jigsaw Toxic Comment Challenges. Built using ⚡ Pytorch Lightning and 🤗 Transformers. For access to our API, please email us at contact@unitary.ai. - unitaryai/detoxify
GPT-3(.5) (ref. 2) and GPT-4 (ref. 3) demonstrated high performance across a variety of language tasks. ChatGPT introduced such language models to the public. It is now clear that generative artificial intelligence (AI) such as large language models (LLMs) is here to stay and ...
Pre-trained and Reproduced Deep Learning Models (『飞桨』官方模型库,包含多种学术前沿和工业场景验证的深度学习模型) - asuolai/models
Azure.AI.Language.Conversations v1.1.0 Source: ConversationAuthoringClient.cs [协议方法]列出属于项目的已训练模型。 此协议方法允许显式创建请求并处理高级方案的响应。 C# publicvirtualAzure.AsyncPageable<BinaryData>GetTrainedModelsAsync(stringprojectName, Azure.RequestContext context =def...
服务: Azure AI Services API 版本: 2023-04-01 获取已训练模型的详细信息。 HTTP 复制 试用 GET {Endpoint}/language/authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/models/{trainedModelLabel}?api-version=2023-04-01 URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 Endpoint path True string url 支持的认知...
The models operate in the dynamic realm of real-world data, where shifts and changes are constant. This is where the importance of monitoring comes into play. Just as pilots use instruments to navigate through changing weather, monitoring your AI and ML models ensures they stay on course even...
“I’m actually very excited about how well we were able to build the models and how well they performed before we deliberately broke them for the study,” Goldstein said. “Our results make me confident that AI evaluations of placenta are doable. We ran into a real-world problem, but...
Pretrained models 这个其实和第二种是一个意思,不过比较极端,使用整个pre-trained的model作为初始化,然后fine-tuning整个网络而不是某些层,但是这个的计算量是非常大的,就只相当于做了一个初始化。总接来说 新数据集和原始数据集合类似,那么直接可以微调一个最后的FC层或者重新指定一个新的分类器 ...