本文研究通过Signal Builder模块生成输入信号的方法,这种方式比较适合简单的子系统测试,或者一些实际情况下不容易达到的边界条件输入的测试。
The operator train_generic_shape_model trains the shape model ModelID in order to find the training pattern given in Template. Template accepts the training pattern to be of one of the following types: Image: The domain of the image given in Template sets the ROI of the model. The model...
train_generic_shape_model— Train a shape model for matching. Signature Description The operatortrain_generic_shape_modeltrains the shape modelModelIDin order to find the training pattern given inTemplate. Templateaccepts the training pattern to be of one of the following types: ...
train_generic_shape_model(Operator) Name train_generic_shape_model— Train a shape model for matching. Signature Description Image: The domain of the image given inTemplatesets the ROI of the model. The model origin (reference point) is defined by the center of gravity of the image domain. ...
ModelID(input_control, state is modified)shape_model→(handle) Handle of the shape model. Result If the parameters are valid, the operatortrain_generic_shape_modelreturns the value TRUE. If necessary an exception is raised. Possible Predecessors ...