Find out more about SNCF trains. Discover where SNCF can take you in France, the different ticket types and book your SNCF train tickets online here.
Use your ticket on the same route or a different route when possible Take a later train Use another train that does not need a reservation (you may need to buy a ticket for an alternative service and then apply for a refund). If your train is expected to be at least 60+ minutes to...
To pre-book tickets in person in Istanbul, go to the TCDD ticket office at Sirkeci station to buy the train ticket, and find a Kamil Koc agency to buy the bus ticket. To buy tickets online, first book the train ticket between Eskişehir & Ankara at the TCDD website as shown here, ...
Back to topHow to buy train tickets onlineDo you need to buy in advance?No, if all you want is a local ticket such as Bangkok to Kanchanaburi, Ayutthaya, Hua Hin or Aranyaprathet as these are only sold at the station on the day. They cannot sell out! No, even for longer distance...
Train Ticket Prices are Set: The best part about buying train tickets is that unlike fluctuating flight prices that make finding cheap China flights difficult, the prices of train tickets don’t fluctuate. They’re set, so you know exactly how much you’ll have to pay. Trains Save Time: ...
Since Sep.25, 2012, Ticket refund fee standard of the National Railway Sector was cut down. The cancelation fee which used to be 20% of the price of each ticket was cut down to 5%, providing you refund the ticket within 48 hours. The cancellation fee is 10% of the original fare if ...
Cancel & Refund Online? How to Change a Ticket Train Ticket Lost The regulations listed bellowing are based on the Ministry of Railways are different from the terms and conditions in China-Train-Ticket. How to get a ticket refund before departure? You have to go a train station (not ...
Note, if you fail to check-out correctly you will likely be charged the €20 deposit. You can check travel history and request a refundhere OVpay is only valid for 2nd class travel, you cannot use it for 1st class. If a conductor does a ticket check, they will scan the card and ca...
1. The minimum refund fee is 2 CNY for each ticket. 2. During Spring Festival Travel Rush, the cancelation fee is as high as 20% of the original fare whenever you refund ticket. 3. If the departure time is changed from 15 days to 48 hours ahead to over 15 days ahead and then ask...
The Advance Reservation Period (ARP) was 60 days until 2008 when it was experimentally extended to 90 days, then extended to 120 days in 2012, reduced to 60 days in 2013 to make ticket scalping by agencies harder, restored to 120 days in April 2015 but reduced again to 60 days from Nov...