You'll need to listen for announcements, the departure screens show scheduled departures, but not platform numbers.Northern & Northeastern line trains to Chiang Mai & Nong Khai leave from platforms 1 & 2 and arrive on platforms 5 & 6. Southern line trains to Hua Hin, Surat Thani, Hat Yai...
Unlike the ENR website, these show all stations and all trains, air-con & non-air-con. And when you get to Egypt, using an app on your phone is easier than asking at the station. The apps show train times & train types, but they don't quote fares or show availability or sell ...
The annual train show sponsored by the Toy Train Collectors Society Ltd, is back for 2024. This show will once again meet at Utica’s historic Union Station on the third Sunday in January. The show will be held on January 21st 2024 9:30AM to 3:00PM. The show features over 40 vendors...
We hope you enjoyed the ‘Take A Ticket’ reveal show we featured on the recent Dovetail Direct, which announced six brand new routes (and two brand new countries!) coming to Train Sim World in the near future. We wanted to provide some additional detail and work-in-progress screenshots ...
You can travel from Amsterdam to London on Eurostar trains. When you search for times and tickets, we might also show you some other options with multiple connections or operators if they’re available. Eurostar is the exclusive high-speed train service that links London to Paris, Brussels, Am...
The train icons show which platform the trains should go to. Brugge 11/8/15 18k Ben Nimmegeers Simulation of the Oostende - Brugge (Ostend - Bruges) section and branching lines. A "classical" scenario, where all actions are performed by the player, unaided by scripts or specific signals...
Train 55,2024/11/29 Good simulation Having grown up in the New York City area, I enjoyed riding the subway and often rode in the front of the first car, giving me the same view as the motorman. Now I get to virtually take on that role. What would make the simulation more interesting...
Pro-tip:The escalator at JB Sentral will be near the middle of the train. Upon arrival at JB Sentral, simply get on the escalator from the platform and be on your way – welcome to Johor Bahru, Malaysia. If you have an onward connecting train north of JB Sentral, you can ask availabl...
To see how many days of pass each card holds, install the IDF Mobilités app onto your iPhone/Android phone and use the app to read the Navigo Easy cards to show how many days of Paris 2024 Pass each card holds. (Thank you to the person who wrote me about this functionality that wor...
Show your passion Take the Hogwarts Express™ or jump on the Winter Village tram for a playful twist on trains you know and love. Railway fans and collectors alike will love building and displaying these popular trains. Shop nowLearn more ...