Europe train times map Our map of train routes in Europe shows the journey times between some of Europe’s top cities. You can get from London to Paris in 2h 16m, Madrid to Barcelona in 2h 30m, Milan to Rome in 2h 48m or Berlin to Frankfurt in 3h 52m. Take a closer look at the...
Check out the travel times between Europe's most popular cities. If you'd like to know more about a specific route, just visit our Popular Routes section. Feel free to also play around with the Europe travel map above to see where else you could go with your Eurail Pass! Train routes ...
A guide to train travel in Europe, how to check train times, fares, how to buy tickets, taking your bike, arrangements for children and luggage.
Currently, the China-Europe freight train service has connected Chongqing with more than 100 cities and regions in Asia and Europe. Thousands of varieties of goods, including automobiles, auto parts, furniture, as well as medical equipment, have been transported via this service. (Xinhua/Huang Wei...
By the end of March, some 87,000 China-Europe freight train trips had been made in total, providing services for 222 cities across 25 European countries, according to China Railway.■
European cities are remarkable, and sometimes incredible. They are old, and sometimes ancient. They have a million grand sights to display, and even more hidden places to discover. Let our city guides tell you everything you need to know about Europe's most amazing cities....
5 itineraries for exploring Europe by train Swiss mountain trains Northern Europe: Canals and chocolate Amsterdam > Bruges > Paris > Chur > Milan This train journey takes you through some of Northern Europe’s higlights – from its cosmopolitan capital cities to its storybook canalside towns and ...
Once important cities, Dunedin and Invercargill have declined in importance and apparently no longer justify a proper train service to the rest of New Zealand. The last Christchurch-Dunedin-Invercargill train service, the daily "Southerner" over the South island's Main South Line, was withdrawn ...
The ticket office on theoppositeside sells SNCF/TGV ticketsif you’re traveling to Disneyland or other cities in France and across Europe. This “Grandes Lignes” ticket office does not sell Paris train tickets or Navigo for Paris Metro / RER trains. If you land at CDG Terminal 2, seeCDG...
Europe train times map Our map of train routes in Europe shows the journey times between some of Europe’s top cities. You can get from London to Paris in 2h 16m, Madrid to Barcelona in 2h 30m, Milan to Rome in 2h 48m or Berlin to Frankfurt in 3h 52m. Take a closer look at the...