Train from Orlando to Fort Lauderdale $27+ Train from Orlando to Miami $29+ Train from Orlando to Tampa $11+ Train from Tampa to Miami $53+ Train from Tampa to Orlando $11+ West Palm Beach to Miami $28+ West Palm Beach to Orlando Train $26+ Train from West Palm Beach to Tampa $...
Busandtrainroutes connectHollywood to Miami,West Palm Beach,Orlando, and destinations beyondFloridavia transfers. Air travel is provided by the nearby Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport, but you could alsotravel from Fort Lauderdale to the larger Miami Airportfor more varied flight options....
The principal train station in the city is theTampa Union Station, which is also a historic building. It is currently served byAmtrak. At the station, travelers can also take anAmtrak Thruwaymotorcoach to get toOrlando,Lakeland,Bradenton, etc. The main airport isTampa International Airport, whi...