The deadly crash at Odisha's Balasore district on Friday, which has so far claimed over 280 lives and injured 900 more, has focused attention on the safety of the railway network in the world's second most populous country. Run by state monopoly Indian Railways, the network is the fourth ...
The article reports that the Maoist rebels was blamed by Indian Railways Minister Mamata Banerjee for the derail of the Gyaneshwari Express 2102 passenger train bound to Mumbai from Kolkata and it collision with a cargo train on May 8, 2010 that killed at least 73 people.Wall Street Journal ...
【6】Despite the railways’reasonablesafety record, the crash is likely toexacerbateclaims that, in its push for new tracks and faster trains, his government isneglectingupgradesto existing tracks and equipment. Last year anauditof derailments by India’scomptroller-general foundrailwayofficials had n...
the death of 275 people. the route the collision of three trains took place at bahanaga bazar railway station in balasore district, in the eastern state of odisha. the bahanaga station has electrified double tracks and adjacent loops which are side tracks used to park trains. indian railways'...
Indian Railways is one of the world's largest train networks in the world, criss-crossing the country from north to south, carrying more than 23 million passengers daily. But its safety record is low, underlining the need for an overhaul of the ailing network. ...
Train accidents are common in India. Experts blame the outdated infrastructure of railways for most of the accidents. Last year, Indian government announced an investment of over 137 billion U.S. dollars for the next five years to boost railways and modernize it on new lines. ...
(Railways) a passenger train that travels at very high speed Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 bul′let train` ...
Run by state monopoly Indian Railways, the network is the fourth largest in the world and transports 13 million people every day as well as moving 1.5bn tonnes of freight annually along more than 40,000 miles (64,000km) of tracks.
Rescue teams have been mobilized from various parts of the country, according to Ashwini Vaishnaw, India's minister for Railways, Communications, Electronics and Information Technology. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was "distressed" by the accident. ...
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