火车和铁路货场模拟器是一款像素风格的模拟驾驶类休闲冒险游戏。在游戏中,玩家可以在系统所提供的超大的地图场景之中坐上这版列车,你可以在驾驶室内学习如何驾驶一辆火车,也可以在任意一节车厢之中坐下来安安静静的观赏一路美丽的风景,在本游戏中玩家可以自由自在的体验这辆火车的任意方面。 火车和铁路货场模拟器游戏...
iPad iPhone 简介 Train and rail yard simulator lets you step into the shoes of a train engineer. Climb into a cab of a powerful locomotive and deliver freight cars to different yards around the map. Split and build your trains by coupling and decoupling rail cars and engines. Operate railroa...
Train and rail yard simulator lets you step into the shoes of a train engineer. Climb into a cab of a powerful locomotive and deliver freight cars to different yards around the map. Split and build your trains by coupling and decoupling rail cars and engines. Operate railroad switches to nav...
Train and rail yard simulator lets you step into the shoes of a train engineer. Climb into a cab of a powerful locomotive and deliver freight cars to different yards around the map. Split and build your trains by coupling and decouling rail cars and engines. Operate railroad switches to na...
魔玩助手提供火车和铁路货场模拟器下载,火车和铁路货场模拟器Train and rail yard simulator解锁关卡版火车和铁路货场模拟器可让您步入火车工程师的行列。爬上一辆功能强大的机车的出租车,将货车运到地图周围的不同院子。通过耦合和解耦轨道车和引擎来拆分和构建火车。操作
# Train and rail yard simulator最新版 Train and rail yard simulator lets you step into the shoes of a train engineer. Climb into a cab of a powerful locomotive and deliver freight cars to different yards around the map. Split and build your trains by coupling and decouling rail cars and...
Train and rail yard simulator游戏简介 Train and rail yard simulator lets you step into the shoes of a train engineer. Climb into a cab of a powerful locomotive and deliver freight cars to different yards around the map. Split and build your trains by coupling and decouling rail cars and ...
marshalling yard n. 编组站 / monorail n. 单轨铁路 narrow gauge n. 窄轨 / overbridge n. 天桥 park and ride n. 停车换乘 / ply v. 往返行驶 point n. 道岔 / Pullman n. 普尔曼车厢 railcard n. 铁路卡 / railhead n. 铁路终点站 redcap n. 搬运工 / rolling stock n. 机车车辆 shunt v....
Naples North 5/23/20 2.2 MB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the rail network north of Naples, including the high-speed line Rome-Naples. Many more details at the dedicated page. Roma - Viterbo 1972 5/10/20 673k Valerio Varriale Lines Rome Trastevere-Capranica Sutri-Viterbo, Viterbo-Orte, Cap...
A rail yard management system that takes advantage of infrastructure installed in rail yards and on railcars to allow the management of the railcars within a rail yard. The invention is also applicable to yard management for vehicles other than railcars.WILLIAM LEFEBVRE...