(TSF), Unnao Junction(ON), Burhwal Railway Station(BUW), Lucknow City Railway Station(LC).For all of the trains running on this route, you can check the live train running status, running history and PNR status on the Goibibo app and the website also you can check PNR status on Make...
➜ ~ kubectlgetpods -n istio-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE istio-egressgateway-5c8d96c9b5-6d5g91/1 Running04m6s istio-ingressgateway-6bcfd457f9-wpj7w1/1 Running04m6s istiod-775bcf58f7-v6jl21/1 Running05m4s 如果都是 Running 状态证明 istio 就已经安装成功了。然后我们还可以给 name...