Skynet is making its return: the trailer for the Netflix animated series “Terminator Zero” has been revealed. The series follows the aftermath of Skynet, an AI being, gaining consciousness and waging its war against humanity in “Terminator 2: Judgment Day.” It becomes self-aware on Aug...
Beaches, which was made into a blockbuster film starringBette Midlerand Barbara Hershey, follows two friends through 30 years of camaraderie, laughter, sorrow, and love. The song "Wind Beneath My Wings," which was featured in the film, became a hit for Midler. ...
Here's the trailer forThe End of the Fucking World: Here's the official synopsis forThe End of the Fucking World: Based on the award-winning series of comic books by Charles Forsman, THE END OF THE F***ING WORLD invites viewers into the dark and confusing lives of teen outsiders James...
The official trailer for the much-anticipated Joker: Folie à Deux sequel finally arrived on Tuesday (April 9).
The Flashopens in theaters everywhere on June 16. Get our free mobile app The Silliest Names for DVD Director’s Cuts These movies couldn’t just call their DVDs “director’s cuts.” Oh no; that would be much too simple or normal. They had to choose these bizarre, confusing, inaccurate...
Swept Away begins performances October 29 at Broadway's Longacre Theatre, ahead of a November 19 opening night. Watch the new teaser trailer above for a sneak peek at the production. With music from folk duo the Avett Brothers, Swept Away follows four survivors of an 1888 shipwreck off the ...
The new trailer gets into the gritty elements of the tale about the rise of a midwestern motorcycle club as it evolves over the course of a decade - from a gathering place for local outsiders into a more sinister gang, threatening the original group's way of life. Mike Faist joins the ...
Altered Innocence will host the U.S. premiere for the film at the Quad in New York City on Jan. 13 and will be expanding from there.“Beautiful Beings” follows Addi, a boy raised by a clairvoyant mother who decides to adopt a bullied misfit into his gang of outsiders. Left to their...
On Monday, Apple TV+ unveiled the trailer for the second season of its sports drama based on NBA superstar Kevin Durant’s experiences, which premieresFriday, June 23. In Season 2, which will release a new episode every Friday, we meet “Jace (Isaiah Hill), Phil (Solomon Irama), Nick ...
outsiders who find success by thumbing their noses at the everyone, including Environmental Protection Agency and interdimensional terror dogs. None of the new characters left any sort of impression, and the returning cast were treated like beloved props that were dusted off for a curtain call ...