Movie Title: Gladiator 2Genre: Action, Adventure, DramaDirector: Ridley ScottStarring:Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Connie Nielsen, Denzel Washington, Joseph Quinn, Fred Hechinger, Derek Jacobi, Rory McCann, May Calamawy, Matt Lucas, Peter Mensah, Tim McInnerny, Riana DuceRelease Date: November 22...
11:13 am -Gladiator II, Red One, We Live in Time, The Wasp, Coup! Gladiator IIHD720p 46MB Full trailer for the sequel, almost 25 years after the first film, to be in theatres in November. Years after witnessing the death of the revered hero Maximus at the hands of his uncle, Luc...
US Box Office: ‘Wicked’ Opens to Record-Setting $114 Million, ‘Gladiator II’ Starts Strong With $55.5 Million 11/25/2024 by Rebecca Rubin Variety - Film News ‘An Unfinished Film’, ‘Bel Ami’ among top winners at Golden Horse Awards ...
Sean Bean (I) The 5 Most Brutal Moments In Gladiator 2, Ranked By Sheer Nastiness 11/24/2024 by Nick Staniforth Slash Film 20 times Game of Thrones set the internet on fire 11/24/2024 by Michael Weyer Winter Is Coming The 10 Best Movies Of All Time, According To IMDb ...
Del director Ridley Scott, mira el nuevo tráiler oficial de #GladiatorII protagonizado por Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington, Connie Nielsen, Joseph Quinn y Fred Hechinger. Solo en cines el 22 de noviembre. (Crédito: Paramount Pictures)...
Related: GLADIATOR II Reviews Point To A Movie That Struggles To Rival Its Predecessor; Rotten Tomatoes Score Revealed "From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion...
Ridley Scott Teases ‘Gladiator III’ Will Be Inspired by ‘The Godfather Part II’ 11/8/2024 by Samantha Bergeson Indiewire Charlize Theron Baby2Baby Gala 2024 - See Photos of Every Star in Attendance! 11/10/2024 by Just Jared Just Jared Major Marvel movie no longer expected to be a ...
US Box Office: ‘Wicked’ Opens to Record-Setting $114 Million, ‘Gladiator II’ Starts Strong With $55.5 Million 11/25/2024 by Rebecca Rubin Variety - Film News Chuck Woolery, Game Show Host Behind ‘Love Connection’ and More, Dies at 83 11/24/2024 by Michael Schneider Variety - TV ...
Sekuel GLADIATOR 2 menghadirkan kisah epik Lucius Verus, pewaris takhta yang terlibat dalam pertarungan sengit di Colosseum demi membalaskan dendam dan mengembalikan kejayaan Roma. Trailer Film Horor 'GUNA-GUNA ISTRI MUDA' Resmi Rilis, Lebih Mencekam dan Penuh Misteri GUNA-GUNA ISTRI MUDA sege...
‘Gladiator II’: Paul Mescal on Stepping Into His ‘Leading Man Era’ (Exclusive) 2:15 Matt Damon and Ben Affleck Say It's 'Never Normal' to Be Called Academy Award Winners (Exclusive) 8:02 Ben Affleck Praises Jennifer Lopez's 'Spectacular' Performance in 'Unstoppable' (Exclusive) ...