Trail of Tearsin reference to the U.S. government's brutally incompetent Cherokee removal of 1838-9 is attested by 1908. also fromearly 14c. Entries linking totrail tract(n.1) [area], mid-15c., "extent, continued passage or duration," in phrasetract of time"period or lapse of time" ...
Two books chart the ways Caucasian peoples have moved from a legendary past toward a cloudy future. The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus, by Charles King. Oxford University Press, 2008. 292 pages. Let Our Fame Be ...
whites who married into the tribes, their offspring, whites who craved Indian land at all costs, and the few whites who spoke out against the sexual mutilation of human beings books, … meaning
I compiled a list of attractions after Sara Tucker of Cool Tears Magazine had suggested Weston as a stop on the Teardrop Trail. Main Street climbs upward from what had once been the riverbed filled with steamboats. It is lined with quaint, old buildings that exude the charm of a bygone e...
I’ve seen them from time to time, but no idea what they represent. Probably not tears of joy. At least, there is one thing we can all be glad about and that is not having to listen to any more of Mark’s phone call to Bill Ellis. ...
Since I am into strength training in general and want to perform some maintenance on my body, this book and other books like Kelly Starret's Becoming a supple Leopard or Tom Meyers Anatomy Trains are a great resource for everyone to locate and treat disfunctions in your body。Great Illustrat...
Only 20 minute of easy walk would bring us to coast of Sea of Okhotsk, where the The Virgin’s Tears or the Furepe Waterfall awaited us. In the past few decades, efforts had been made to reforest the area after years of pioneer development. Weather was changing quickly. At one moment,...
I grabbed it, tore out my page, and burst into tears. I was simply overcome. I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t upset. I was just overcome with pure, unfiltered, unnamable emotion. And then I ate my last gel, my very last literal ounce of food. We still had a few miles to go down ...
then climbed up to it myself. The relief flooded out of me as I let go a full-throated roar of achievement and delight, the pictures recording what I was feeling. I then called Diane and Rob, with both conversations ending in my tears, particularly with Rob referring to me as Mighty ...
I went to a Cantus concert last night. The first time I ever heard them sing was on the LGMS, doingAve Mariaby Franz Biebl – it brought tears to my eyes. Even after all these years, it is still my favorite piece that they perform. ...