For me, the best part of the book was the way in which it placed value on the objects washing ashore. We consider so much of what we find on the beach to be rubbish, but ultimately, these objects all still have a story. They all began somewhere and will all end somewhere, and just...
Calling Card (Dash): On 3/2/02 a linked image was added to the bottom of the news page. [SOLVED] GanMed WebMail Logins: On 4/2/02 the webmail system was reactivated. GanMed Breadcrumbs: Beginning on 4/9/02, GanMed was updated with links in the squares at the bottoms of various ...
• Backpack along offroad hiking trails & back to base camp with breadcrumbs • Distance tracker with altitude and elevation monitoring for each activity BE READY FOR SNOW SEASON • The Gaia Winter base map is designed for winter activities and works well with other winter layers ...
• Backpack along offroad hiking trails & back to base camp with breadcrumbs • Distance tracker with altitude and elevation monitoring for each activity BE READY FOR SNOW SEASON • The Gaia Winter base map is designed for winter activities and works well with other winter layers ...
The Scroll is a historical novel about the survivors of Masada. It draws from an authentic archaeological find: the divorce document of a woman named Miriam. This fictionalized version of Miriam’s story begins in the year 73 CE on Masada’s final horrif
This story is a classic of modern Jewish literature and modern Jewish thought. Since its appearance in 1952, scholars, rabbis, and a very wide range of readers have continued debating the arguments in its pages. It is the story of two "friends" and survi
• Backpack along offroad hiking trails & back to base camp with breadcrumbs • Distance tracker with altitude and elevation monitoring for each activity BE READY FOR SNOW SEASON • The Gaia Winter base map is designed for winter activities and works well with other winter layers ...
He is a spectacular American success story: an Orthodox rabbi who founded an international human rights organization, earned two Academy Awards, and is the driving force behind a state-of-the-art Jerusalem museum. In Meant to Be rabbi Marvin Heir recounts the birth of the Simon Wiesenthal ...