Some examples help to illustrate this point. Running out! Oil is a depletable resource, and many people worry that rapid extraction and use of oil might cause us to run out. But would it really be a bad thing to use up all the oil as long as we developed alternative energy ...
Learn what defines Garrett Hardin's Tragedy of the Commons, how it impacts the environment, other real-life examples, proposed solutions, and...
Environmental Justice and the Tragedy of the CommonsEnvironmental JusticeTragedy of the CommonsIn "The Tragedy of the Commons," Garrett Hardin argues that those who can use a resource for free consume more of it than they would if they had to paSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
This exercise is philosophical, to make students, teachers, and others think about the full implications of soil and environmental use and abuse. The concept of the "tragedy of the commons" is of utmost importance in understanding the "carrying capacity" of soils and the environment. People are...
Tragedy of the Commons An Environmental Success: Property Rights to Fisheries Creating property rights has helped protect fisheries while making the fishing industry more efficient, according to a nice blog post byEric Pooley of the Environmental Defense Fund(ht:Dick Thaler). Writing at the Harvard ...
against the common good, and they end badly for everyone, resulting in overgrazing, overfishing, overpopulation, pollution, and other social and environmental problems. The key feature of a tragedy of the commons is that it provides an opportunity for an individual to benefit him or herself while...
Onecause of environmental degradation is the overuse of common-property resources,which are owned by no one but are available to all users free of charge.Most are potentially renewable. Examples include clean air, the openocean and its fish, migratory birds, Antarctica, gases of the lower atmosph...
of inputs acrossallsectors, and the effects of resource management spill into other sectors. We construct a local general equilibrium model that accounts for inputs that over-allocate to an open access resource and create a general equilibrium tragedy of the commons. This model describes resource ...
ages. GeorgeLillo'sLondon Merchant(1731) is an early example of domestic tragedy, as GeorgBüchner'sDanton's Death(1835) is of political tragedy. HenrikIbsen'sDoll's House(1879) andAn Enemy of the People(1882) are also superb examples of the domestic and the political tragedy, respectively...
Berkeley.The prize in economic sciences has gone to 63 men since it was first awarded 40 years ago.Elinor Ostrom is the first woman.And,like other winners over the years,her training is not limited to economics.She is a professor of political science and of public and environmental affairs....