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In this project, a traffic sign recognition system, divided into two parts, is presented. The first part is based on classical image processing techniques, for traffic signs extraction out of a video, whereas the second part is based on machine learning, more explicitly, convolutional neural netw...
98.8 solution for german sign classifing problem, done as p2 for Udacity's Self-driving car nano degree - vxy10/p2-TrafficSigns
Automatic traffic sign detection has great potential for intelligent vehicles. The ability to detect small traffic signs in large traffic scenes enhances t
Furthermore, innovating technology for reading the signboards in harsh weather and obstruction before traffic signs can be a good opportunity for the growth of the market. Looking at the expansion of these companies worldwide, companies are focusing on adopting various growth strategies to gain a ...
Traffic signs images.Zeng, YiliangLan, JinhuiRan, BinWang, QiGao, Jing
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