Twin Cities Traffic is here to help. No matter if you lawyer, doctor, investment banker, carpenter, or cleaner, TC Traffic can help you get from point A to point B faster by knowing the best route. Twin Cities Traffic is 100% free--tell your friends!
Enterprise Unmanned Traffic Management is a holistic system concept evolving from technological developments in radio frequency where dynamic tracking can
Waze, purchased by Google last year for a reported $1 billion, is even more fervent about crowdsourcing. Its millions of users worldwide, all tracked by their phones' GPS, update the Waze map in real time just by driving. They can also report specific incidents, from slow traffic to polic...
it is possible to exclude human movements that cannot occur in the real world, such as when a person passes through an object, and map them with high precision in 3D virtual space. This not only makes it possible to
The AID systems utilize, analyze, and place these GPS traces on the road map to determine the spatial and temporal characteristics of the traffic flow on the roads. These traffic flow values are compared with the normal traffic flow to identify possible incidents or congestions [1,52]. These...
The road side wireless equipment (also called wireless traffic lights, WTLs) collects the data from cars in different road segments and accumulates it to form a road map and its costs. They evaluated the proposed model using a VNSim simulator. Their evaluation results showed that the average ...
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