Here we provide two detailed protocols and tools for studying ubiquitination-dependent membrane trafficking mechanisms in yeast. The first utilizes fusions between a protein of interest and an auxotrophic marker to screen for mutants that affect ubiquitin-mediated endocytosis. The second method artificially...
However, existing studies have not yet tested the methods on the real-world traffic data and they only focus on studying the rewards without interpreting the policies. In this paper, we propose a more effective deep reinforcement learning model for traffic light control. We test our method on ...
Responsive traffic light control system and method based on conservation of aggregate momentum A system to improve traffic flow on all types of interconnected roadways, which reduces fuel consumption, emissions and trip times, is based on adaptive control of traffic signal timing. The parameters used...
“Method” introduces our suggested Multi-Task Learning Fusion (MTEFU) algorithm based on deep learning, input feature analysis, and source task classification partitioning method. “Experiment” conducts analysis and experiments on the benchmark dataset. “Discussion” explores potential issues and ...
Define Traffic jams. Traffic jams synonyms, Traffic jams pronunciation, Traffic jams translation, English dictionary definition of Traffic jams. n a number of vehicles so obstructed that they can scarcely move ˈtraffic-ˌjammed adj Collins English D
more likely (for crash-involved drivers) to be male, and less likely to use safety belts. The finding of young driver involvement is consistent with survey research that shows younger drivers are more likely to self-report red light running behavior. The association between young drivers and run...
2,Traffic Light Detection: A Learning Algorithm and Evaluations on Challenging Dataset 3,A Tlreshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms 4,Research on Traffic Object Detection and Recognition in Urban Environment 5,Research on Detection and Recognition Method of Traffic Lights in Complex Scenes...
Thus, it allows to accurately follow simultaneously all bottlenecks' dynamics and evolution in near real-time even during intervention in the system, for example, by using an adaptive traffic light control system. Moreover, as our method is not based on the identification of historical patterns, ...
Compared to the road traffic safety evaluation method based on traffic accident and traffic conflict technology, the road traffic safety method based on driving behavior takes into account the actual feelings of drivers and has unique advantages. However, the evaluation method still has some limitations...
In the morning, we noticed from studying the traffic data that this is the period when there is an increase in the traffic volume of long and short trucks because of high traffic density. The level of traffic congestion increases due to high traffic volume. Furthermore, this period of the ...