trafficator traffic-calming device trafficker trafficking trafficky Trafficless traffic-light labelling Trafford tragacanth tragedian tragedienne Tragedious tragedy tragelaph tragelaphine Tragelaphus Tragelaphus angasi Tragelaphus buxtoni Tragelaphus eurycerus ▼...
The article reports that Fine Gael and Labour has announced their devotion to a traffic light labelling for food shoppers in Ireland. According to the author, this system would look at dietary advice presented in a large and easy-to-follow format on the front of food packaging. Moreover, ...
since then it has been considerably expanded and edited as new historic material has come to light, and remains a work in progress to this day!
In Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2012; pp. 37–45. [Google Scholar] Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) ...
Therefore, the system manually detected and recognized the traffic sign used a bounding box labelling tool to give a coordinate location for the object to be detected [51]. The results of the tools are four points of the position coordinate, along with the class label. Next step, transform ...
However, illumunation change due to weather or sun-light reflections decreases its effectiveness. It is also computationally inefficient [2]. The third method, background subtraction, is the mostly seen method in the literature for effective motion tracking and moving object identification [2, 4, ...