A Simple Arduino Battery Tester Arduino LCD using a 16×2 Liquid Crystal Display How to Build a Simple Arduino Dice Circuit Arduino Distance Sensor using the HC-SR04 Equipment The equipment I have used in this Arduino traffic light project is listed right below. Recommended Arduino Uno ( Amazon...
I also wanted to try out an Arduino controller and thought this would be a nice simple project to incorporate it into. This Instructable will show you how to wire up an old traffic signal with an Arduino controller to function like a real traffic light. I used a pretty simple program and...
The Copperhead WiShield utilizes a Microchip MRF24WB0MA 802.11b wireless controller which interfaces over SPI with the Arduino. The Arduino’s design makes stacking shields (daughter boards) on top of the Arduino platform, eliminating the need to solder wires or even use a breadboard to build ...
The traffic light system was developed using Arduino ATMega328 and IR sensors. These sensors were used to detect the vehicles on the lane. Also, Arduino Uno was used for developing a density-based traffic controller system in [17]. The system contained IR sensors for transmitting and receiving...