In Traffic Jams, you’ll be taken under the wing of Dennis, the self-proclaimed world’s best traffic controller… EVER!!! He comes from a place called Jam City, which gets its name from its many flash mobs and packed intersections. Armed with dreams of superstardom, a sassy attitude an...
In Traffic Jams, you’ll be taken under the wing of Dennis, the self-proclaimed world’s best traffic controller… EVER!!! He comes from a place called Jam City, which gets its name from its many flash mobs and packed intersections. Armed with dreams of superstardom, a sassy attitude an...
“There aren’t any simple answers to traffic problems and pollution in cities,” the spokesman added. “But unless we do something now, there will be more traffic jams and temperatures will continue to rise. The problems in our environment will only get worse.” ...
A.trafficjams B.roadpoliteness C.goodmanners D.moderndrivers 答案B 解析主旨大意题。从其次段开头“Roadpolitenessisnotonlygoodmanners,butgoodsense.”可知,B项正确。 26.Accordingtothewriter,agooddrivershould.? A.beabletorecognizepolitenesswhenheseesit B.beatbackwhenforcedtofacerudedriving C.encourageoldlad...
To carry on trade or other dealings:trafficked in liquidation merchandise; traffic with gangsters. tr.v. To provide to others, especially in large quantities, in exchange for money:was accused of trafficking guns to local gangs. [Frenchtrafic, from Old Frenchtrafique, from Old Italiantraffico, ...
lots of traffic jams D. lots of pollution()62. There are bicycle stations in Paris. A.20,000 B.1,450 C.2,000 D.2,450()63. Which city first started a free bicycle plan in French? A. Paris. B. Lyon. C. Bordeaux. D. Cannes.()64. "It's because there's so much pollution ...
Giving most of us a reason to whine, complain, and show up late for work, traffic jams are a way of life, but these longest traffic jams in history stand ...
A Itisquitereasonabletoblametrafficjams,thecostofgasandthegreatspeedofmodernlife,butmannersontheroadarebecomin ghorrible.Everybodyknowsthatthenicestmenwouldbecomefiercetigersbehindthewheel. Roadpolitenessisnotonlygoodmanners,butgoodsense.Ittakesthemostcoolheadeddriversgreatpatiencetogiveupthedesiretobea...
如)inFrenchandItalian.Ⅰ.浏览课文,掌握大意Whatmeansoftransportarementionedinthepassage?Taxis,busesandtrolleybuses;minibuses,undergroundandpedicabs.Ⅱ.精读课文,理解细节1.Wheredotaxisdisplaythepriceperkilometre?A.Onthewindow.B.Onthedoor.C.Attheback.D.Inthefront.答案:A 2.Faresfor___Airconditioned...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook traffic information Acronyms Information issued by an air traffic services unit to alert a pilot to other known or observed air traffic which may be in proximity to the position or intended route of flight and...