traffic jam Thesaurus Medical Legal Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia traffic jam n a number of vehicles so obstructed that they can scarcely move ˈtraffic-ˌjammedadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
traffic是交通的意思。作为名词表示交通、运输、贸易、通信通信量。作为及物动词表示用什么作交换、在什么通行。作为不及物动词表示交易、买卖。相关例句:Air traffic control has been temporarily implemented in the area该地区暂时实行了空中交通管制。
jam[sth]⇒vtrinformal(phone line, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese使(电话线路)繁忙不堪 SCSimplified Chinese使(电话总机)应接不暇 The news caused panic and jammed the phone lines. 那条新闻引起了民众的恐慌,不停的来电使电话线路繁忙不堪。 jam[sth]vtr(broadcast: block)(无线电波)SCSimplified Chinese干扰...
交通堵塞,交通堵塞,声音嘶哑,愤怒的喇叭声和自行车铃声在屋顶或阳台上回响(traffic medium jam gridlock throaty angry horn honks and bicycle bell echo from roof or balcony India) 溴_002_印度交通堵塞(BR_002_India_TrafficJam) 交通堵塞2(TRAFFIC_JAMMED2) ...
Cars have replaced bicycles, and Beijing promises to become a permanent traffic jam 小轿车取代了自行车。 北京注定会成为交通无时不堵塞的城市。 MultiUn They say traffic's jammed for 60 kilometers. 回去 吧 听说 前面 堵 了60 公里 的 车 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 If you leave now, I'm sure...
Cultural Corner 2.Traffic jam is a world problem. Listening Keys: 1.stuck; 2.jammed; 3.allow; 4.ridiculous ;5.traffic jam; 6.same ; 7.increase; 8.avoid; 第五课时 Grammar and Test ’ s school. Part4 choice: keys: bdcac dbadc accccCommon Progress Please Criticize 10 / 10 外研...
Cultural Corner 2.Traffic jam is a world problem. Listening Keys: 1.stuck; 2.jammed; 3.allow; 4.ridiculous ;5.traffic jam; 6.same ; 7.increase; 8.avoid; 9.overtaking ; 10.unbelievable 第五课时 Grammar and Test Part4 choice: keys: bdcac dbadc acccc ...
Know what's ahead on the road with the help from other drivers. Waze is a live map that harnesses the local knowledge of tens of millions of drivers around the…
Watch out for traffic jams - especially in the middle of the city (around Siam Square) and around peak hours (morning and evening rush hour traffic). You can be jammed up really tight and everything will come down to a crawl if not a complete stand still. ...
外研版高中英语必修四 Book4Module2TrafficJam 高中英语学习资料 madeofjingetieji Book4 Module 2 Traffic Jam 第一 Words and Instruction What to learn: new words in Module 4 How to learn : by reading, explaining and doing related exercises to practice them How long will be used: about 45 minu...