TABLES:3.1 Traffic Growth4.1 Construction Activities5.1 Shute Harbour Road/ Site Access - aaSIDRA Analysis Results5.2 Shute Harbour Road/ Site Access - aaSIDRA Analysis Results (15 min)5.3 Shute Harbour Road/Site Access - aaSIDRA Analysis Results (15 min) - Left Stand Up Lane Layout5.4 Shute ...
Traffic Injury Prevention Biomechanical (交通伤害预防生物力学).pdf,This article was downloaded by: [University Of British Columbia] On: 24 June 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 917249135] Publisher Taylor Francis Informa Ltd Re
内容提示: McDonalds Transport Impact Assessment – A Short Summary • The plan shows a car park with 28 car parking spaces including one disabled space. • McDonalds have calculated a peak parking demand for the restaurant of 20 spaces during the evening peak hour (6:00-‐7:00pm). ...–03-28_ESTUDI_IMPACTE_MOBILITAT_2023_TOM_I_web.pdf
The program has a positive impact on the traffic safety at the Lohman Ave. and the Telshor Blvd. intersection. After the program operation, the total crash rate reductions,mainly due to the reduction of angle crash rates were marginally significant at the intersection.However, there weren't any...
Many cities in Europe still suffer from poorair quality. One of the major causes, besidesparticulate matter(PM), isnitrogen dioxide(NO2). It has a direct negative impact on health and an indirect one through the formation of fine secondaryparticulate matter(PM2.5) and ozone (O3) (WHO-Europe...
When labor disputes bring cities to a standstill: the impact of public transit strikes on traffic, accidents, air pollution, and health. Am. Econ. J. Econ. Policy 9, 1–37 (2017). Guo, X., Sun, W., Yao, S. & Zheng, S. Does high-speed railway reduce air pollution along highways...
Examining lane change gap acceptance, duration and impact using naturalistic driving data Transport. Res. Part C: Emerg. Technol., 104 (2019), pp. 317-331 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Yang et al., 2019b D. Yang, L. Zhu, Y. Liu, D. Wu, B. Ran A novel car-fol...
Furthermore, it becomes possible to study the impact of network changes to users on more direct ways than simply watching for variations in traffic volumes or delay times. From a mobility researcher standpoint, sentiment also helps to characterize routes, as we try to understand why they are ...
The assessment of road traffic conditions based on obtained data samples may include various filtering and/or conditioning of the data samples, and various inferences and probabilistic determinations of traffic-related characteristics from the data samples. In some situations, the inferences based on the...