1.the movement of vehicles, ships, aircraft, persons, etc., in an area or over a route. 2.the vehicles, persons, etc., moving in an area or over a route. 3.the transportation of goods for the purpose of trade, by sea, land, or air:ships of traffic. ...
area control center ATC automobile traffic bicycle traffic bumper-to-bumper bus lane bus traffic car traffic commuter traffic congestion controlled passing crawl References in classic literature ? One afternoon in the beginning of October when the traffic was becoming brisk a tall man strode along the...
Runningtraffic controlsis a substantial contributing factor to large numbers of fatal and serious injury crashes that occur at signalized and stop sign-controlled intersections. Numerous fieldobservational studiesprovide evidence of the extent to which drivers run traffic lights and stop signs at both urb...
For theSFAPuser, the cited law indicates that the ascent of electrically driven model aircraft with an overall weight of less than 5kg in a distance of more than 1.5km to the next residential area and in a distance of more than 1.5km to the next airfield is possible without any permission...
Automatic rising bollards can be controlled by electric, remote control or card swiping, so as to effectively prevent the entry of vehicles from outside and the intrusion of illegal vehicles. They are... View More > What Is the Standard Size of Blind Way Tiles Installed on Roads? Standa...
(PMIPv6) •local access/QoS •3GPP core access •WiFi-WiFi mobility (e.g. inter-MSO) •WiFi-4G (w/ client virtual adapter) • NextGen Hotspot (NGH) for seamless WiFi roaming & L2 security •N/W discovery/selection & service advertisement (802.11u) •Auto login & online sign...
“They’ve got to do something to stop the traffic coming down at 80 km/h or more,” he said. “If you’re going to Stirling and Chapman you’re doing a left turn soon after you cross and it gets really problematic. It’s got to be controlled better.” ...
Article 11 Whoever drives a motor vehicle on road shall hang a motor vehicle plate, place the conformity inspection mark and the insurance sign, as well as bring with him the driving permit for the motor vehicle.A motor vehicle plate shall be hung in accordance with the provisions and be ...
1. the movement of vehicles, ships, aircraft, persons, etc., in an area or over a route. 2. the vehicles, persons, etc., moving in an area or over a route. 3. the transportation of goods for the purpose of trade, by sea, land, or air: ships of traffic. 4. trade; buying...
Running traffic controls is a substantial contributing factor to large numbers of fatal and serious injury crashes that occur at signalized and stop sign-controlled intersections. Numerous field observational studies provide evidence of the extent to which drivers run traffic lights and stop signs at bo...