The evaluation of experts is based on the video from surveillance cameras at about 30 typical road sections in the city. In total, 537 valid samples were finally collected, and the remaining 13,144 samples were unlabeled. The experiment was implemented using Matlab R2013b (The MathWork Inc.,...
In addition to these machine-learning-based traffic prediction methods, there are also some methods that are not supervised (e.g., running a real-time tracking system through traffic cameras). These methods can tell when and how many taxis go through a surveillance area, but they fail to ...
In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Sydney, Australia, 26–28 August 1974; pp. 13–38. 27. Wang, L.; Chen, F.; Yin, H. Detecting and tracking vehicles in traffic by unmanned aerial vehicles. Autom. Constr. 2016, 72, 294–308. [Cross...