SOUTHERN MARYLAND NOTEBOOK; Charles Commissioners Back Traffic Bypass in La PlataAllan LengelNancy Trejos
The 37-mile-long barrier island, Assateague Island straddles both Maryland and Virginia. Although it's arguably best known for its wild horse population, the spot is a true nature lover's oasis, and visitors can often spot bottlenose dolphins, endangered peregrine falcons, and over 200 additiona...
"Annie's Road" in Totowa, New Jersey, is named after the ghost of a woman who was killed by a truck on her prom night in the 1960s. Some drivers have claimed hearing screaming, seeing mysterious fog, and having their phones and cameras interfered with. The roadway runs alongside Totowa'...
Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York are all linked by I-81, which runs through several cities including Binghamton, Syracuse, Harrisburg, Scranton, and Hagerstown. Through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a long-problematic viaduct on I-81 in New Yo...
Official Offers Road Map For Fixing Traffic Troubles; Dyson Wants to Bring Light Rail to Southern MarylandJoshua Partlow
Park, S.Y.; Lan, C.-L.; Chang, G.L.Evaluating the Impacts of Red Light Camera Deployment on Intersection Traffic Safety; State Highway Administration, Office of Policy & Research: Maryland, MD, USA, 2018. [Google Scholar] Walden, T.D.Analysis of the Effectiveness of Photographic Traffic...