Maryland transit authorities quickly put detours in place for those traveling through Dundalk or the Curtis Bay/Hawkins Point side of the bridge. The estimated 31,000 who travel the bridge every day will need to find a new route for the foreseeable future. The outer loop I-695 closure ...
Note that travel time series for route 𝑟3r3 show a data gap for around 15 min at 17:30. This is caused by the low matching rate that was already shown when determining 𝑞2q2 with camera C2. Although thermal cameras can determine traffic flow with high accuracy, the derived travel ...
Effects of Ignition Interlock License Restrictions on Drivers with Multiple Alcohol Offenses: A Randomized Trial in Maryland. Am. J. Public Health 1999, 89, 1696–1700. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 66. Stan, O.; Miclea, L. Road Traffic Safety Solution. In Proceedings of the IEEE International ...