TraegerForum is the largest Traeger Grill Owner's Group. We offer lots of information to help you get the most out of your Traeger Smoker. Find discussions with BBQ Tips, Recipes, Reviews, Advice, How-to's, and more!Forum statistics Threads 4,901 Messages 48,763 Members 8,725 ...
so do not fret too much. A multi-purpose grill, such as the Traeger Century 34, is equipped with many tasks and instructions controlled by the central point of communication and then sent to the other parts of the Grill. Human beings aren...
#5. Can I use heating pellets in my Traeger grill/smoker? No. You cannot use heating pellets in your Traeger grill or any grill. Heating pellets are not food grade and will not give any flavor. It might even ruin your BBQ. You should only use smoking pellets in your Traeger grill. #...
using a few simple lighting techniques will ensure a successful bed of coals for cooking. One of the most common mistakes when lighting charcoal briquettes is not stacking them properly so they are evenly lit. The key is shaping the charcoal in a way that properly ventilates...
TraegerForum is the largest Traeger Grill Owner's Group. We offer lots of information to help you get the most out of your Traeger Smoker. Find discussions with BBQ Tips, Recipes, Reviews, Advice, How-to's, and more!Forum statistics Threads 4,901 Messages 48,765 Members 8,726 ...