I.nip1[inglbritnɪp,inglamnɪp]SOST 1. nip(pinch): nip pizzicottom 2. nip(bite): nip morsom thedoggavehimanipontheankle ilcaneglihadatounmorsoallacaviglia 3. nipfig: there'sanipintheair c'èunfreddopungente II.nip1<forma in -ing nipping,pass,part perfnipped>[inglbritnɪp,ing...
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She was crying on my shoulder, I already told ya Trust and respect is what we do this for I never intended to be next But you didn’t need to take him to bed that’s all And I never saw him as a threat Until you disappeared with him to have sex of course It’s not like we...
I've known him since he was so high lo conosco da quando era piccolo or da quando era alto così 2. high (far from the ground): high shelf, ceiling, tier, level, floor, cloud alto at high altitude a grande altitudine at high tide con l'alta marea with a high ceiling con il...
him lui I know him lo conosco I know him, not her conosco lui, non lei let him go lascialo andare 2 let him go (indirect object) gli, a lui I gave him the book gli diedi il libro 2. him (after preposition): him lui I did it for him l'ho fatto per lui I ca...
the pace got too hot for him l'andatura diventò troppo veloce per lui 6. hot (short): to have a hot temper avere un temperamento focoso 7. hot (in demand) ingl am colloq: to be hot entertainer, show, film: spopolare to be a hot property essere molto richiesto 8. hot ...
foryourinformation,I'veneverevenmethim! pertuainformazione,nonl'honeanchemaiincontrato! 2. informationingl amTELECOM: information serviziominformazioni tocallinformation chiamareilservizioinformazioni 3. informationINFORM: information informazionef
fermarsi voleva dire perdere secondi preziosi he lost no time in replying ha risposto subito this allusion was not lost on him ha colto l'allusione 4. lose (be defeated in): lose DIR, POL, SPORT fight, war, match, game, race, case, bet, election, vote perdere lose argument, ...
Mostra l'elenco di tutti i risultati trovati elevated[ˈe·lɪ·veɪ·t̬ɪd]AGG 1. elevated(raised): elevatedpart sopraelevato, -a 2. elevated(important): elevated elevato, -a elevatedposition diprestigio elevate[ˈe·lɪ·veɪt]VBvb trans ...
ipazienti, ipollisonoliberidiandareevenire towanderaroundtown,inthepark,alongthebeach girareperlacittà,nelparco,lungolaspiaggia towanderinandoutoftheshops girarepernegozi 2. wander(stray): wanderanimal,lostperson: errare,vagabondare towanderupanddowntheroad ...