tostandupinthestirrups sedressersursesétriers I.pump[GBpʌmp,Ampəmp]SUBST 1. pumpTEC: pump pompef air/vacuumpump pompeàair/àvide toprimethepumplitt amorcerlapompe toprimethepumpfig réamorcerlapompe 2. pump(squeeze): togivesb'shandapump ...
It is not semi-automatic or pump-action, and is loaded manually by lifting up the barrel and loading the shells at the breech. And he grabbed a pump-action spray bottle from the side of his tool chest and sprayed me in the crotch with solvent. ...
to fill or pump sb full of lead fam cribler qn de balles fam to get the lead out fam (stop loafing) se bouger to get the lead out (speed up) se grouiller fam to go over or down like a lead balloon fam tomberà plat fam to swing the lead fam, démod tirer au flanc fam...
bicyclepump 2. pompe(chaussure): pompefam shoe 3. pompe(apparat): pompe pomp engrandepompe withgreatpomp 4. pompefamSPORT(exercice): pompe press-upGB pompe push-up fairedespompes todopush-ups 5. pompejargMILIT(classe): soldatdepremièrepompe ...
Toutes les applis PONS Mon entraîneur de vocabulaire (Utilisezpour choisir le vocabulaire du dictionnaire et l'exporter vers l'entraîneur de vocabulaire) Tableau de conjugaisons pour dump Idump youdump he/she/itdumps wedump youdump theydump...
to bob up and down on water danser sur l'eau to mix like oil and water mal se mélanger to pump water out of a boat pomper l'eau pour l'évacuer d'un bateau to wipe the water off the bench essuyer l'eau du banc to empty the water from a bowl vider un bassin de son...
Next to the mouth of the cave a carob tree sprang up and a spring of fresh water gushed forth. Then, when they are trying to fix the water pump, it starts gushing oil. A storm surge is an onshore gush of water associated with a low pressure weather...
to go/drive up the street remonter la rue it would have been hard to drive cela aurait été difficile de rouler to drive sb into a (tight) corner mettre qn au pied du mur to go/drive to the west aller/rouler vers l'ouest it's a 10 km drive from here c'està 10 km d...
pump prices prix m à la pompe house prices SUBST pl. tantum house prices prix mpl du marché immobilier prices and income policy SUBST prices and income policy politique f des prix et des revenus I.price [ prʌɪs, praɪs] SUBST 1. price COMM: price (gen) (cost) litt, ...
Toutes les applis PONS Mon entraîneur de vocabulaire (Utilisezpour choisir le vocabulaire du dictionnaire et l'exporter vers l'entraîneur de vocabulaire) Tableau de conjugaisons pour park Ipark youpark he/she/itparks wepark youpark theypark...