3. peace(tranquillity): peace paixf peace tranquillitéf toliveinpeace vivreenpaix toleavesbinpeace/givesbnopeace laisserqn/nepaslaisserqnenpaix tobreakthepeaceofsth troublerlapaixdeqc Ineedabitofpeaceandquiet j'aibesoind'unpeudecalme tofindpeaceofmind ...
trouver l'amour/la paix to find love/peace j'ai trouvé quelqu'unà qui demander conseil I've found someone to go to for advice elle a trouvé quelqu'un qui peut la renseigner/l'aider she's found somebody who can give her the information/help her alors tu le trouves ce livre?
安分守己 ān fèn shǒu jǐ abide by the law and behave oneself / know one's place se contenter de son sort 安家落户 ān jiā luò hù to make one's home in a place, to settle s'installer, s'établir 安居乐业 ān jū lè yè to live in peace and work happily vivre en paix...
Traductions desorrowsdans le dictionnaire anglais»français (Aller àfrançais»anglais) Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats I.sorrow[GBˈsɒrəʊ,Amˈsɑroʊ,ˈsɔroʊ]SUBST 1. sorrow(grief): sorrow chagrinm ...
tostrikeanattitude prendreuneposeaffectée 3. attitude(assertiveness, dynamism)fam: tohaveattitude avoirdel'allure 4. attitudeépith(of uncooperative behaviour): tohaveanattitudeproblem avoirdesproblèmesrelationnels 5. attitude(physical position): ...
He advocated the need for parents to imbibe in their wards, the virtues of honesty, respect, morality, good neighborliness, peace and love. thenationonlineng.net And we have established amongst ourselves good neighborliness that allow for secure and stable relations. ...