3. one (same): one même in the one direction dans la même direction at one and the same time en même temps to be one and the same thing être exactement la même chose they're one and the same person il s'agit de la même personne two offers in the one day deux offre...
again(onemoretime) denouveau neveragain plusjamais onceagain unefoisdeplus yetagain encoreunefois notagain! encore! he'satitagain ilrecommence againandagain plusieursfois 2. again(anew): tostartagain recommenceràzéro Idiomes/Tournures: thenagain ...
tofollowone'sthoughtsthroughtotheirconclusion allerjusqu'auboutdesapensée(acheversaréflexion) toreachtheconclusionthat... arriveràlaconstatationque... todrawa conclusion/learnalessonfromsth tireruneconclusion/leçondeqc anglais d'Amérique Vous souhaitez traduire une phrase ? Utilisez notre outil de ...
1. ever (at any time): nothing was ever said rien n'a jamais été dit no-one will ever forget personne n'oubliera jamais I don't think I'll ever come back/she'll ever come back je ne pense pas revenir un jour/qu'elle revienne un jour I doubt if I'll ever come back/he...
Topics incdue exmaines moreover, the age in which a text is read is not necessarily the one in which it was written, so that the translator often introduces the text to be translated into a different time period than that of the original and one which the author...
Quelle est la meilleure extension de traducteur/traductrice WordPress ? Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une extension WordPress multilingue pour traduire manuellement le contenu de votre site, nous vous recommandons d’utiliserTranslatePress.
按兵不动 àn bīng bù dòng to hold back one's troops without moving ; to bide one's time retenir les troupes au lieu de les engager dans l'action / rester dans l'expectative 按部就班 àn bù jiù bān to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine méthodiquement...
The translations seem to testify to a work of and on the imaginary (Raimondo 2016; Bezari, Raimondo,Vuong, 2018), and more particularly the translations of the Canzoniere are privileged objects to observe these dynamics, because they often present a paratext of images that, on the one hand, ...
in the field of the Christian Orient, and especially Armenia's role within that continuum. This second volume of translations comprises the remainder of the material published by it C'rak'ean in his Venice edition of 1904, most of which is presented to ...
Whatever its level of originality, it immerses the translator in a world s/he is more or less familiar with for arelatively short time, typically one to three weeks. The translation (or not) of proper nouns plays an important role in this exercise, of course. Beyond the sources and ...