The reciprocating action of the cylinders applies torque to a rotating crankshaft, which is the engine's primary power-output. PONS: Applications gratuites Le dictionnaire en ligne de PONS est gratuit: il est aussi disponible pour iOS et Android!
thisisCubismatitsmostextreme c'estducubismepousséàl'extrême tobelievesthtoanextremedegree êtreprofondémentconvaincudeqc tobeontheextremeright/left êtreàl'extrêmedroite/gauche togotoextremelengthstodo nereculerdevantrienpourfaire tobeextremeinone'sviews ...
aLove is love, love, is not a hint of deep love, love one another is not necessarily, sometimes it is a well-being abandoned. 爱是爱,爱,不是深刻的爱提示,互相爱必要不是,有时它是被摒弃的福利。[translate] aGovernment sets the minimum selling price and prices of goods are not supposed ...
a:Love you is a beautiful pain.Is like a game can not wake the dream.It is a kind of control and sad emotions.It is cruel and is obviously.That be close by. But distant horizon distance.That can not be doomed to the fate of the perfect. 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] ...
This man is going to be involved in criminal activities, the romance of these two people will be full of twists and turns. Jolinis acting as the madly and foolishly in love girlfriend,Rhydian Vaughanas the handsome boyfriend, andBamboo Chenas the bad guy going too far. ...
Please do not use relative references such as “see the table below”, or “in this table: ...”. If the table or figure is not included in the text file, please indicate the preferred position of the table or figure in the text by adding a line “ Insert here (file name)” at ...
The scope of the present article is to address the question of ethics along with Paul Ricoeur, by analyzing the relation between love and justice and by drawing a parallel between this relation and the way in which Jacques Derrida defines translation. Through the Ricoeurien de...
Correction et uniformisation des noms propres (personnages, lieux, organisations, lore, objets, sorts, etc.). Correction et uniformisation des onomatopées, actions et interjections (*sanglote*, *rester silencieux*, *rote*, etc.). Correction des non-sens et des erreurs de traduction. Correct...
哀兵必胜 āi bīng bì shèng an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win Lors de l'affrontement de deux armées de forces égales, celle qui est excédée par la souffrance et la colère finira par vaincre. 爱不忍释 ài bù rěn shì to love sth too much to part with ...
2. initiate(admit): toinitiatesbinto(intomembership)secretsociety,club admettreqnauseinde toinitiatesbinto(intoknowledge)astrology,artoflove initierqnà 3. initiateINFOR: initiateprogramme lancer initiatecommunication amorcer,établir Traductions deinitiatedans le dictionnaire français»anglais (Aller à...