oneofthehistorian'stasksisthedocumentationofsocialchange l'unedestâchesdel'historienestderendrecomptedeschangementssociaux Autres traductions et expressions typiques avec les termes de votre recherche tâches/activitésparcellisées fragmentedtasks/activities ...
aWe are a ideal ambitious cultural story of toad, toad is therefore the mother 's not, eat swan meat We are a ideal ambitious cultural story of toad, toad is therefore the mother 's not, eat swan meat[translate] awil increased by 10 for 30 min. 10增加的wil 30 min。[translate] ...
When the pn junction is forward-biased, electric charge flows freely due to reduced resistance of the pn In the beginning, they were in charge of both fire extinguishment and fire prevention, but government fire stations later became in charge of putting out fire.en....
ai hope myself to become an excellent manager someday. so i have to strive to learn managment knowledge. that is why i choose MBA. if i have a chance to study in this famous MBA college, it would be great. 我希望自己某天成为一位优秀经理。 如此我必须努力学会管理知识。 所以我选择工商管...
to make a date for Monday prendre rendez-vous pour lundi 4. date (person one is going out with): John is her date for the party c'est John qui l'emmèneà la soirée who's your date for tonight? avec qui sors-tu ce soir? 5. date (pop concert): date date f they're play...
2. distance (outdistance): distance runner, rival distancier distance oneself VERBE pron to distance oneself (dissociate oneself) se distancier (from de) to distance oneself (stand back) prendre du recul (from par rapportà) I.poste restante [ pəʊst ˈrɛst(ə)nt,...
aZhouGuang provide order number is wrong, I need is the S2008 of Q080-MSKA-028 of COA. ZhouGuang提供序号是错误的,我需要是COA Q080-MSKA-028 S2008。[translate] aHow long it can take delivery? 它多久能采取交付?[translate] aI didn't commit to CSU again,wait for your distribution 我再...
camionm trucképithdeliveries parcamion 2. truck(rail wagon): truck wagonmdemarchandises trucképithdeliveries parwagon II.truck[GBtrʌk,Amtrək]VERBEtrans Voir le tableau de conjugaison truck camionner III.truck[GBtrʌk,Amtrək]VERBEintrAm ...
Ishallhavetotakelegaladvice ilfaudraquejeconsulteunavocat 3. adviceCOMM: advice avism adviceofdelivery avisderéception remittance adviceSUBST remittanceadvice avismderèglement medical adviceSUBST medicaladvice conseilsmpld'unmédecin toseekmedicaladvice ...
récépissém(forpour) receipt(fromtill) ticketmdecaisse receipt(forrent) quittancef 2. receipt(for letter, parcel): receipt(onsending) reçum receipt(ondelivery) accusémderéception(forpour) 3. receipt(of goods, letters): receiptADMIN,COMM ...