you won't have the heart to tell them the truth 9. cœur (énergie): cœur heart mettre tout son cœur dans qc/à faire to put one's heart into sth/into doing 10. cœur (envie): cœur mood avoir le cœurà faire to be in the mood for doing je n'ai pas...
Traductions delendsdans le dictionnaire anglais»français (Aller àfrançais»anglais) Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats I.lend<ppprét lent>[GBlɛnd,Amlɛnd]VERBEtrans Voir le tableau de conjugaison 1. lend(loan):
After reading the book as well, Jolin used her delicate observation skills to figure out the mood of the characters, combined it with the perspective that the director wanted, and wrote this beautiful but regretful ballad. Jolin said:“This song is about longing for love. There is also a li...
Some schoolmates celebrate a birthday in the hotel, like this is advantageous to schoolmate between the friendship, provides the human relations for schoolmate the opportunity, may relax the mood. [translate] a触摸不到的缘分,很痛,很累! Touching does not arrive fate, very pain, very tired! [...
heisinaself-pityingmood ilestd'humeuràs'apitoyersurlui-même I.pity[GBˈpɪti,Amˈpɪdi]SUBST 1. pity(compassion): pity pitiéf(forpour) outofpity parpitié tofeelpity avoirdelapitié tohaveortakepityonsb avoirpitiédeqn
thisistheprevailingpublicmood prevailingdans le dictionnaire PONS Traductions deprevailingdans le dictionnaire anglais»français (Aller àfrançais»anglais) Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats prevailingADJ prevailing actuel(le) underprevailinglaw ...
And it's the second summer in a row where forced ministerial resignations have ensured the government has managed to puncture the holiday mood with the perception of disarray. He managed to win a seat later, when a special election was held after resignations opened several seats....
français»anglais temperdans le dictionnaire Oxford-Hachette anglais d'Amérique PONS: Applications gratuites Le dictionnaire en ligne de PONS est gratuit: il est aussi disponible pour iOS et Android! Toutes les applis PONS Mon entraîneur de vocabulaire...