I.succeed[səkˈsi:d]VERBEintr Voir le tableau de conjugaison 1. succeed(achieve one's purpose): succeed réussir succeedindoingsth réussiràfaireqc theplansucceeded leplanamarché 2. succeed(follow): tosucceedtosth succéderàqc Idiomes/Tournures: ...
tofollowmedicaladvice suivrelesconseilsdumédecin getexpertadvice consultezunspécialiste Ishallhavetotakelegaladvice ilfaudraquejeconsulteunavocat 3. adviceCOMM: advice avism adviceofdelivery avisderéception remittance adviceSUBST remittanceadvice avismderèglement ...
not satisfied with small gains; give him an inch, and he'll want a mile émettre des exigences toujours plus grandes; Donnez-lui la main, il prendra le bras 得道多助 dé dào duō zhù a just cause enjoys abundant support ; those upholding justice will find help all around une juste ...
Rank in the party was not determined by electionspositions were filled through appointment by those of higher rank, who demanded unquestioning obedience to the will of the leader. en.wikipedia.org Eventually, however, his unquestioning love and trust of the world lead those in his platoon to bef...
I.practise[ˈpræktɪs]GB,AusVERBEtrans Voir le tableau de conjugaison 1. practise(do, carry out): practise pratiquer practisegoodhygiene avoir 2. practise(improve skill): practise s'exercerà practisebackhand améliorer practiseflute,one'sEnglish ...
I.cœur [kœʀ] SUBST m 1. cœur ANAT: cœur heart il a le cœur malade, il est malade du cœur he has a heart condition ‘qu'est-ce qu'il a?’—‘c'est le cœur’ ‘what's wrong with him?’—‘it's his heart’ opérationà cœur ouvert open-...
Traductions devisitdans le dictionnaire anglais»français (Aller àfrançais»anglais) Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats I.visit[GBˈvɪzɪt,Amˈvɪzɪt]SUBST 1. visit(call): visit visitef anofficialorstatevisit ...
The twit worm will work as a virus infecting the human brain and making people into mindless zombies that follow her every whim. en.wikipedia.org At the start, the twits face the wrong way, so the starter turns them round. en.wikipedia.org ...
if he dies or if he should die, it will have been your fault s'il meurt, ça sera de ta faute if she is to be believed si on l'en croit if possible si possible tomorrow, if convenient demain, si possible if asked, I would say that… si on me posait la question, je ...
ça te va si je viens vendredi will it do if I come on Friday? ne viens pas pleurer chez moi don't come running to me fig est-ce que tu viens? - Peut-être are you coming? - I might pourquoi ne viens-tu pas me voir demain? why don't you come over tomorrow? je viens ...