business is business les affaires sont les affaires ‘business as usual’ (on shop window) ‘nous restons ouverts pendant les travaux’ it is/it was business as usual fig c'est/c'était commeà l'habitude it is/it was business as usual épith address, law, letter, transaction commerci...
‘businessasusual’ ‘laventecontinue’ itwasbusinessasusualattheschool ontravaillaitcommed'habitudeàl'école asusualwithsuchaccidents commetoujoursdanscesaccidents asisusualatthistimeofyear/attheseevents commeilestd'usageàcetteépoquedel'année/danscesoccasions ...
1. prevail(win): prevailability,commonsense,vice,virtue: prévaloir(againstcontre) 2. prevail(be usual): prevail prédominer I.prevail uponVERBE[GBprɪˈveɪl-,Amprəˈveɪl-](prevailupon [sb]) prevailupon persuader(tododefaire) ...
Traductions defrequentdans le dictionnaire anglais»français (Aller àfrançais»anglais) Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats I.frequentADJ[GBˈfriːkw(ə)nt,Amˈfrikwənt] 1. frequent(common, usual): frequentexpression,use ...
in this story/his speech/this business être dans le brouillard/l'eau to be in the fog/the water dans cette région/ville in this region/town être dans un avion/train/bus/bateau to be on a plane/train/bus/boat être dans une voiture/un taxi to be in a car/a taxi il y ...
The main tenet of its business plan was the goal of providing a business class service on a coach fare structure. He did not fare well in his first major league stint, as his.154 batting average was unimpressive.
asfromtomorrow àpartirdedemain,dèsdemain firstthingtomorrow dèsdemain 2. tomorrowfig: tomorrow demain III.tomorrow[GBtəˈmɒrəʊ,Amtəˈmɔroʊ] tomorrowisanotherday demainilferajour neverputofftilltomorrowwhatcanbedonetodayprov ...
theentertainmentbusiness l'industrieduspectacle TheJeûnefédéralisaSwissthanksgivingdaythathastakenplaceeverythirdSundayinSeptembersince1832.Cinemasandentertainmentcentreshaveshorteropeninghoursthanusual.Plumtartistraditionallyeatenonthisday. JeûnefédéralCH ...
tochannelsthtowardsindustry,business canaliserqcvers 3. channel(cut): channelgroove,gorge creuser(indans) 4. channelARCHIT: channelcolumn canneler distribution channeldans le dictionnaire PONS Traductions dedistribution channeldans le dictionnaire anglais»français ...
pickup(inbusiness,economy) reprisef(inde) 8. pickup→ pickup truck Voir aussi :pickup truck pickup truck,GBSUBST minv f(à) pickup truck,pickup vanGBSUBST pickuptruck pick-upminv pickuptruck camionnettef(àplateaudécouvert) pickup line[GBˈpɪkʌpˌlʌɪn]SUBST ...