todieofnaturalcauses mourirdemortnaturelleordesabellemort deathfromnaturalcausesJUR mortnaturelle fortherestofone'snaturallifeJUR àvie 3. natural(innate): naturalgift,talent,emotion,trait inné naturalartist,professional,storyteller né naturalaffinity ...
She is to be identified by a birthmark. Her new baby girl who was born with violet eyes and a silvery eight-pointed star birthmark on her chest. This birthmark was believed to be a sign of evil, so she was left in the desert to die. ...
不终天年 bù zhōng tiān nián to die before one's allotted lifespan has run its course mourir avant sa longévité allouée à suivre son cours 不撞南墙不回头 bù zhuàng nán qiáng bù huí tóu to stubbornly insist on one's own ideas s'entêter sur ses propres idées 不足挂齿 bù ...
(Aller àfrançais » allemand) Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats down Adjectif/Adverbe Countdown Substantif Downsyndrom Substantif Button-down-Hemd Substantif Button-down-Kragen Substantif Pull-down-Menü Substantif Drop-down-Menü ...
Say bye-bye to unlimited data plans and hello to dirt-cheap voice minutes and texts. Atheists believe in a strictly corporeal (material) world, and it's bye-bye when you die. Even though she's still sick, now we have the joy of (seeing...