ROTH IRA也是$2,000,扣掉28%的税,实际投入$1,440,也是30年,同样12%的复利,30年后你也得到34.7万。 第二,如果你预计未来的税率会比现在高,那么ROTH IRA 比传统IRA更合算。有人问,退休后没有工作收入,税率怎么会比现在高?答案在你的401K或其他退休基金。有些客户才30来岁,401K已累积到了十几万,还每年放...
第一,传统IRA是税前的,可用来抵税,而ROTH IRA是税后的钱,不能用于抵税; 第二,传统IRA拿出来时要交税,而ROTH IRA拿出来时不用交税; 第三,传统IRA到70岁半时则必须往外拿钱,而ROTH IRA则无此规定,而且只要有工作收入,70岁半以后仍可往ROTH IRA中放钱。 很多人问到底是传统IRA好还是ROTHIRA好?答案是因人而...
如果你預期你的投資回報率超級高,例如30年期間能增長1000倍,到了退休時賬戶里的餘額變得非常龐大,想要生前花完則需要每年取出非常大的一筆錢,那麼用 Traditional 401k(k) 的話取出時就會被收很高的稅,用取出時不用交稅的 Roth 401(k) 就更加適合。 另外還有一個因素也需要考慮,就是20年30年後政府是否會...
401K -> brokerage account 这个其实就等于是给自己公司的401K账户开个了sub账户,可以把钱transfer过去增加投资的选项。相对应的401k Roth也可以开一个brokerage account。比如个股,ETF等。这个可以设置成默认选项,不需要自己每次手动把contribution transfer过去。 Roth 401k -> Roth IRA 如果愿意的话, 你可以把Roth ...
Your 401(k) may come with a Roth 401(k) provision. Why You ShouldSeriouslyConsider Having Both an IRA and a 401(k) Remember at the beginning, I said this really isn’t about the traditional IRA vs. the 401(k) plan? Let’s spend some more time on that point. ...
Tax implications vary for traditional and Roth plans: Contributions to a traditional Individual 401(k) plan are generally tax deductible. Contributions to a Roth Individual 401(k) plan are after-tax salary deferrals. For a traditional Individual 401(k), earnings grow tax-deferred and assets ...
Roth vs. Traditional IRA: 3 Key Similarities Before we get into the differences between Roth and Traditional IRAs, let’s look at what they have in common: Tax-Advantaged Savings Both types of IRAs are designed to help individuals save for retirement. ...
Roth 401k vs Traditional Many people are unaware of 401(h) plans, but these plans can provide great tax free benefits during retirement. If a retired employee will be spending a lot of money to cover medical expenses during retirement, this is the plan to look into. What is a 401(h) ...
Real Money Example: Traditional vs. Roth If you do the financial analysis on the benefits of the Roth 401(k), you can see the way the tax benefits and the psychology of saving come into play. Let’s look at two sample employees, Joe Facebook & Jane Google. ...
1. 留在原來的退休帳戶. 要確定舊的401K公司所提供的投資選項夠多元化, 而且管理費低廉. 2. 將舊的401K帳戶 Rollover into a Roth IRA and pay income taxes on the money (unless your are 59.5 and still working, you have option to pay taxes now or later). ...