Karen HeimerThe University of IowaSpringer New YorkDeCoster, Stacy, and Karen Heimer. 2014. Gendering traditional theories of crime. In Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, vol. 4, eds. Gerben Bruinsma and David Weisburd. New York: Springer Reference....
2) traditional theories of crime 传统犯罪理论3) constitution theory of crime 犯罪构成理论 1. The hindrance in the studies on China s constitution theory of crime is inappropriate dealing with four kinds of fundamental relationship,including the relationship between actor and act,the relationship ...
4) traditional theories of crime 传统犯罪理论5) Crime Spreading 犯罪传播 1. On the Intermedium of Mass Media and the Crime Spreading; 在传媒高度发达的今天,媒体已成为犯罪传播的主要途径之一。6) calling upon a prisoner 传讯罪犯补充资料:《北京传统曲艺总录》 北京传统曲艺作品名目集。傅惜华编,...
Criminal law is about crime and penalty,and crime concepts have been its core. Crime concepts can fall into three kinds: formal,essential and hybrid. The simple argument between form and essence ones is meaningless,and hybrid one has not revealed the nature of crime. According to the tradition...
not white collar crime; crime by individuals, not crime by governments and corporations; disorganized crime, not organized crime. Mainstream criminological theories are the product of this slanted attitude. They are based on behaviours that are not necessarily the most injurious, most harmful, or mos...
Pope Pius XII's Encyclical Humani generis exhibits a very prudent approach to the question of the theory of evolution, as well as to all scientific theories. Both religion and science are founded in truth; therefore, true religion and true science can never be in contradiction. He reprimands ...
Although contemporary theories generally emphasize the fluidity and hybridity of culture, the reality is that many cultural forms persist for centuries (Brumann, 1999). View chapterExplore book Stress and Behavior Randy Thornhill, Bryant Furlow, in Advances in the Study of Behavior, 1998 6. Cultural...
In this paper, we obtain a critical understanding of the important opportunities and challenges that the Metaverse and the fluidity of digital technologies bring to the IB field. Specifically, we discuss how traditional theories can be effectively utilised to explain firms’ internationalisation, and ...
, Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 458–476). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Google Scholar Eckel, C. C., & Grossman, P. J. (1998). Are women less selfish than men?: Evidence from dictator experiments. The Economic Journal, 108(448), 726–735. https://doi.org/10.1111/...
Gauge Theories and Mirror SymmetryBrain Asymmetry of Structure and/or FunctionBroken SymmetryChemical Applications of SymmetryChiral Auxiliaries and ChirogenesisChiral Organic CrystalChiral SeparationsChirality in Theoretical and Experimental ChemistryComplexity and SymmetryComputational HemodynamicsCPT SymmetryCrystal Sy...