Speaking of Thanksgiving sides, we tested (and tested, and tested) our recipes so you can rest assured you'll be digging into the most perfect mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and sweet potato casserole ever. Let's just say you'll be very happy you have these leftovers for one of...
Turkey might be the star of the Thanksgiving meal, but sidedishes are essential to the success...Cizmas, Dana
Update Thanksgiving menu with new twists on traditional sidesJennifer Biggs
Turn the bacon from time to time so the fat can render from both sides without burning.3.     When most of the fat has rendered from the bacon, add the onions and sauté over medium low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. The onions should soften ...
The importance of trusted public health communication has never been more critical. Thenewest pandemic is disinformation, which could become a bigger challenge with misuse of AI. For communications teams, building partnerships with the media is beneficial for both sides and particularly for the public...
When they return to their seats, most of the congregation sits without making any thanksgiving. When Fr. Billy Bob proclaims, "The Eucharist is finished. Thank God," the band strikes up a rousing rendition of When the Saints Come Marching In, including the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla. As soon...