Keep Thanksgiving Dinner Simple! You don’t need a ton of food. Don’t make a lot of side dishes. Just 2 or 3 will be fine. Save bread heels, bread that’s going stale, cornbread pieces, hot dog buns and hamburger buns for your stuffing. Make less expensive desserts like chocolate ...
This is one of the Thanksgiving dishes you can make up to a week in advance. (Bonus: The flavors will meld and deepen while it hangs out in the fridge.) Get the Cranberry Sauce recipe. PHOTO: ANDREW BUI; FOOD STYLING: Taylor Ann SPENCER 6 Mashed Potato Casserole Mashed potato casserole...
If you are tired of preparing the same dishes every year for Thanksgiving, maybe it is time to mix things up a bit and try some of our ideas for […] Continue Reading Greek coffee recipe – How to make Greek coffee (Ellinikos Kafes) ...
Some traditional Thanksgiving dishes with a different twist. (Originated from Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph)Weddell, Leslie
A Traditional Korean Party Menu ideas for holiday dinners is something I recently got asked to write about in my facebook group. In the past, I have shared Korean side dishes that can work with your Turkey thanksgiving dinner but I think this year people are looking for something even more...
Turmeric is nearly always combined with black pepper in these dishes.India may have the lowest rate of Alzheimer’s disease in the developed world.These are just a few of the traditional food combinations whose beneficial qualities have been verified by science. There are many others. There are...
Venetians prefer polenta over pasta (although they do have pasta dishes). My family still prepares polenta in the traditional way of pouring it onto a wooden board to cool off and then cut it with a string while hot. If the polenta hardens, we always cut it with a knife. Using milk ...
In the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together inside the storm door on the top step. "Any old papers, lady?" asked one of them.I was...
on the first Sunday of Advent, and the Holiday Season would officially begin. I couldn’t understand why other (non-German) houses I visited didn’t havethem. , but then, other houses would have the Christmas tree set up right after Thanksgiving, so there was a lot I didn’t ...
Thanksgiving calories lower than past: ; Less-fattening ingredients have changed traditional dishesMICHAEL HILL