The Philippines, the traditional marriage customs of various nations very different. Filipinos generally love most is the freedom of marriage. In the vast rural areas are popular with young men playing guitar songs to woo the girl of his sight. In love, the man many gifts to the woman cosmet...
Although not always successful, I try to do something creative every day. And for today’s project, I’ve decided to take on the (sometimes rather convoluted) topic of traditional ‘courting’ in the Philippines. Before we go on, please note that I am not an authority on the subject – ...
Zhao said that as the songs had no written form, he began to put down all the Yao songs he had collected into his "song books" in the 1990s. So far, the songs have filled up three books. Local authorities caught wind of his efforts, and in 2016, Yao songs were put on one of Hu...
In the Philippines, we don’t take down the Christmas decors until January. Some even celebrate the season until mid-month. So on New Year’s Eve, the lanterns were still hanging on our ceiling. On of those New Year’s Eve celebrations, my brother, Willy, who had a lit sparkler in h...
However, the classical music traditions of the Philippines are not necessarily part of the music many Filipinos and Filipinas experience today. In the modern world today, most of the country's young people constantly exposed themselves t...
In case of unforeseen events or extreme weather, the operator reserves the right to cancel the activity. If this happens, you have the option to reschedule or request a full refund How to use Usage validity The voucher is valid only on the specified date (and time if applicable)...
“It was a journey of self-discovery and experimental improvisation that led to combining traditional instruments in EDM.” The music and the message Belle’s songs have convey strong emotions on subject matters like the environment or fading cultures. ...
While the Band of Piano, Guitars, and Drums Renders "Oecumenical" (Protestant) Songs The Novus Ordo Service is No Mass at All! You enter the Novus Ordo worship building, which looks much like a Masonic lodge hall, for the Saturday afternoon Mess. People are talking, laughing, chewing gum...
and steamed 2.06 The KSR in Miedong village is mainly used in festivals, such as Zongba Festival on June 6 and July 15 3.75 1.19 2.61 Zhaoxing village is the biggest and oldest Dong village in China, The village is a wonderland for Dong 2.86 0.81 festivals, songs and dancing. The most...
Further, she said, “you can still buy for your child the Etch-a-Sketch you had as a child.” New to the Barbie clan this year, and powering a new generation of Barbie fever, are Dance Club Barbie ($14), which comes with a cassette tape featuring such songs as “Doin’ the Barbie...