Kessey, K.D. (2006) Traditional leadership factor in modern local government system in Ghana: Policy implementation, role conflict and marginalisation. Journal of Science and Technology, KNUST, 26 (April 2006).Kessey, K. D. (2006). Traditional leadership factor in modern local government system...
Traditional leadership, community participation and mining development in South Africa: the case of Fuleni, Saint Lucia, KwaZulu-Natal Land Use Policy (2019) S.Mnwana Mining and ‘community’ struggles on the platinum belt: a case of Sefikile village in the North West Province, South Africa ...
In addition, it might be significant to a traditional authority like the Asante King and his administrators, who seek to clear peoples' misgivings towards the traditional institution. The book examines the strengths and weaknesses of the King's leadership to possibly enable him to adjust his ...
Traditional leadership factor in modern local government system in Ghana: policy Implementation, role conflict and marginalization The search for appropriate institutional framework for local governance and development has been a difficult task in Africa. Although Traditional Authorities are authentic and time...
leadership, the the traditional classical ballet and contemporary dance styles of Asian nations together organically, [...] 在20世纪,纽约芭蕾舞集团多次赴美国纽约哥伦比亚大学、费城大学、哈佛大学巡回演出,2000年7月开始 活跃于纽约曼哈顿汤浩THE TOWN HALL大剧院,在Alice Liu 艺术总监...
Introduction Traditional medicine plays a big role in the Ugandan health system, and the fact that government is committed to working with this sub sector to ensure good health for the population is a clear reflection of the good leadership the country has had for the last nineteen years. Effor...
The ‘leaderist turn’ in higher education It has been observed that over the last twenty to twenty-five years, there has been a notable growth in the use of the term ‘leadership’ in public services (e.g. Newman,2005). It follows that the use of this term to describe those holding...
“The most frequently heard complaint is about rainfall predictions,” says Mr Dittoh, who lives in Tamale, northern Ghana. “They tell us the methods their forefathers used to predict the weatherdon't seem to work as well these days.” This is down to climate change, he believes. Yet kn...
In Ghana, for example, local governance is an area where traditional leadership and the constitutional government sometimes "lock horns." Traditional leaders often feel left out when the government takes decisions affecting their people and land without their consent or involvement. Chieftaincy is ...
Through thematic analysis, the issues were clustered into four dimensions of traditional authority influences: power and role of traditional leadership; expectations of traditional leadership; project impacts on community resources; and impact of religious and cultural values. Through a further abstraction ...