The Traditional Latin Mass is also called the the Tridentine Mass of Pope St. Pius V; it is the liturgical expression of Roman Catholicism. The Traditional Latin Mass has the power of conversion from paganism to Christianity, and radically different from the Novus Ordo Mass!
(Provided by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses) Papal Photo Gallery Prayers for the Living and Deceased Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermons, Other) Traditional Catholic Priests Wanted and Available Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments Traditional Liturgical Calendar ...
Learn More Subscribe now Pray the Traditional Latin Mass, with the 1962 Missale Romanum presented in a clear and simple format. Continuous Latin and English…
(according to the 1962 liturgical books) by Pope Benedict XVI has given birth to a remarkable renaissance of what most of us call simply “the Latin Mass”. In it are to be found a remarkable depth of spirituality and wisdom that so many people are searching for in today’s complex and...
(according to the 1962 liturgical books) by Pope Benedict XVI has given birth to a remarkable renaissance of what most of us call simply “the Latin Mass”. In it are to be found a remarkable depth of spirituality and wisdom that so many people are searching for in today’s complex and...
called the"Extraordinary" or "1962 Mess," which is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass.For an excellent presentation and analysis of the facts, see Dr. Carol Byrne'sBorn of Revolution: A Misconceived Liturgical Movement, Vol. 1: Active Participation(Holyrood Press, 318 pp., c. ...
1:00 pmLow Mass 5:00 pmLow Mass Daily Masses: 6:30 amand8:00 am Confessions: 30 min.Before Each Mass St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church is home to the Traditional Latin Mass Community in Post Falls, Idaho, operating with the approval of the Bishop of the Diocese of Boise and ...
Virgó Sacráta shop offers authenticRoman Catholic Books,Scriptural Rosary Prayer Guide,1945-1962 Latin Mass Missals, Latin Vulgate Bibles withDouay-RheimsEnglish Translation, and media resources that reaffirm the faith and the tradition of the Church. We intend to make available only those books th...
Is your calendar so full of appointments and commitments that you feel overwhelmed at times? The Catholic Liturgical Calendar can help! Pencil in some great opportunities for prayer! Lenten Prayers: For Our Souls’ Springtime Lent is so much more than just as a time for giving things up. Lent...
a constant point that is stressed in favor of the liturgical innovations of the post-Conciliar era is the supposed superiority of the lectionary of the Novus Ordo to that of the Traditional Latin Mass. The argument goes “Since the majority of the Bible is read in the course of three years...