We can see the effects of these developments in the following example: in 2010, the BIU created, together with the Iranian government and the Christian democratic Senate, the so-called Iran House Project (Iran-Haus Projekt). Javid, its president, told me that the aim was to show a "...
Christian R PrauseSpringer, ChamInternational Conference on Product-focused Software Process ImprovementJ. Klunder, P. Hohl, M. Fazal-Baqaie, S. Krusche, S. Kupper, O. Linssen, and C. R. Prause. 2017. HELENA Study: Reasons for Combining Agile and Traditional Software Development Approaches in...
An astute member of the Restoration Baptist Church, one who appears outwardly to be a devote Christian is at another time seen as the leader of the traditional society, where she's named the controversial 'Dahkpannah'. Who does she serve? The novel explores the lives of three sisters as ...
Where would Walt Disney be without the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson, Victor Hugo and so many others? Where would Aaron Copeland have been without American folk music? Thomas Nast's Santa Claus without traditional images of Father Christmas? Picasso without African art? These are artists...
Thus for Nitobe, love is the highest form of virtue, without which one‟s action can only be motivated by sense of justice, which is understandable judging from his Christian background. He then explains the role of courage which helps one to manifest rectitude in its highest potential: "...
Christian Hardcore Christian Hip Hop Christian Hymn Christian Metal Christian Music Christian Punk Christian R&b Christian Rock Christian Ska Christmas Cantata Christmas Carol Christmas Hymn Christmas Music Chromatic Fantasia Chuanqi Chula Chula (bahia) Chumaichada Chumba Church Cantata Church Music Chut Ka...