They have indicated they do not know the recipes, preparation methods, value, food safety and taboos challenge associated to the product. The respondent indicated the beverage can be toxic as some people may add dangerous substances in it. The product can be stored in buckets. 3.5.9 Setopoti...
Isaacs, Jennifer.Bush Food: Aboriginal Food and Herbal Medicine.Sydney, Aus.: Lansdowne Pub., 1996. Kuper, Jessica.The Anthropologists' Cookbook. New York: Universe Books, 1977. Web Sites Aboriginal Trail. [Online] Availablehttp:// January 19, 200...
The boreal forest of Canada is home to several hundred thousands Aboriginal people who have been using medicinal plants in traditional health care systems for thousands of years. This knowledge, transmitted by oral tradition from generation to generation, has been eroding in recent decades due to ra...
The boreal forest of Canada is home to several hundred thousands Aboriginal people who have been using medicinal plants in traditional health care systems for thousands of years. This knowledge, transmitted by oral tradition from generation to generation, has been eroding in recent decades due to ra...