stopLoss = high + atr * 2 takeProfit = low - atr * 2 strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, 100, when = rsi < 50) strategy.exit("exit", "short", stop=stopLoss, limit=takeProfit) The rest of the script remains unchanged from the prior example. Let’s run it and see how our...
近日,腾讯云安全团队监测到部分云上及外部用户机器存在安全漏洞被入侵,同时植入 watchdogs 挖矿病毒,出现...
tp_inp = input(2, title='Take Profit %', type=float,step=.1)/100 sl_inp = input(1, title='Stop Loss %', type=float,step=.1)/100 tr 浏览112提问于2019-08-02得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 PineScript -最后定单的数量 我想知道最后一份合同的数量,如果是负数,新条目的数量将加倍,如果...
strategy.exit is used to set the previously declared stopLoss and takeProfit levels Finally we will plot the fastEMA and slowEMA values on the chart so we can better visualise what the strategy is doing.Backtesting Pine Script StrategiesSo...
当谷歌涨5%时,如何对苹果进行交易?如何在不编码的情况下修改我们的脚本?如何使用Pine Script创建自定义...