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alert(buyAlertMsg, freq = alert.freq_once_per_bar) if sellSignal sellAlertMsg = getAlertMsg(action = 'EXIT_LONG', instrument = syminfo.ticker, signalToken = signalToken, orderType = exitOrderType, orderPriceOffset = exitOrderPriceOffset, investmentType = exitInvestmentType, amount = exitAmo...
CodeAce Algo Tradingview Indicator is a powerful tool which provide traders with timely buy sell signals, which helps make proper decisions in the market.
The #1 Trading Indicators. An all-in-one suite of premium TradingView indicators, tools, and signals. Built for traders of all experience levels. Powered by AI.
Focus ONLY on your strategy, trading signals and indicators. Use the tools we provide. If you lack the patience you will always miss the good buy and sell opportunities Don't Panic Don't follow the crowd, hear the noise, but do your own research. Don't buy at the top and don't sel...
Another common plotting function is plotshape() which allows you to plot various shapes. This one is quite popular as a lot of people use it to plot arrows on the top or bottom of bars to show buy or sell signals. For a complete list of the various annotations available, check out the...
Discover Zeiierman Trading, the ultimate source for advanced TradingView indicators and strategies. Elevate your trading game with our exclusive tools, including the SMC TradingView Premium Indicator, advanced algorithms, and a vibrant community of trade
As for the preset TradingView signals, they are based on the TradingView Screener feature built on Oscillators, a technical analysis tool, and trend-following indicators. A user would need to choose what value of the signal they want to use: Strong Buy or Buy to go long or Sell or Stro...
Start trading from TradingView: With your accounts connected, you can now use TradingView's charting tools, technical indicators, and other features to analyze markets and execute trades directly from the platform. Simply select your desired trading instrument, set up your trade parameters, and place...
Now with just four indicators, you will be able to monitor every major currency and every one of the 28 currency pairs across all the timeframes, from just one screen. No constant chasing from one window to another, no multiple screens or crammed workspaces. With this unique dashboard of tr...