metainfo:{"_metainfoVersion":40,"id":"<study name>@tv-basicstudies-1","scriptIdPart":"","name":"<study name>",// 此说明将显示在指标窗口中// 当调用createStudy方法时,它也被用作“name”参数"description":"<study description>",// 该描述将显示在图表上"shortDescription":"<short study ...
代码study(“My Script”)就代表这个study的代号是My Script,它是个标识符,要用双引号扩起来。前期先...
在TradingView上自动绘制目标涉及到使用Pine Script编程语言来创建自定义指标或策略。Pine Script是一种专为TradingView设计的脚本语言,允许用户创建自己的技术指标、...
This makes Saxo an attractive broker to use with TradingView because of its ability to execute large orders, including by running Pine script code within the TradingView platform. Pricing and fees: While Saxo is not a discount broker and usually has a minimum trade size or commission that could...
into any dashboard view), over 50 smart drawing tools, advanced candlestick patterns recognition, volume profile indicators, a wide array of alerts (with 12 conditions), expansion of functionality through community-made or brand new Pine Script add-ons, in-depth financial analysis reports, and ...
average: can modify pine script and make small changes starting: just learning to code 请填写你的Slack用户名、Github用户名和对应的技术水平: 好:至少是另一种编码语言的专家,并能使用pine script文档 一般:会修改pine script,并能做小的改动 起始:刚开始学代码 Slack NameGithub NameSkill Level @Toby Zho...
一个基于 Vue 2 + Vuex + TypeScript + TradingView Component 的项目,有在线演示--demo tradingview-vue | 杭州蘇小小 ==>… 其中包含了移动端和 PC 端 同类网站 火币==>… 币安==>… ...
//生成时间按钮createButton(buttons); }); }); </script> </head> <body style="margin:0;"> <div id="tv_chart_container"></div> </body> </html> 上面是我的index3.html文件 修改完之后大家打开http://localhost:8083/ 就可以看到自己的TradingView 项目连接着自己的nodejs服务器mock出来的数据运...
import{TvApiAdapter}from'tradingview-api-adapter'constadapter=newTvApiAdapter();adapter.Quote('BTCUSD','BINANCE',['lp','ch','chp']).listen(data=>{console.log('Last price: ',data.lp);console.log('Price change: ',;console.log('Price change in percent: ',;}) ...
5 '_metainfoVersion': 40,6 'id': 'ShuBenRSI@tv-basicstudies-1',7 'scriptIdPart': '',8 'name': 'ShuBenRSI',9 'description': 'ShuBenRSI',10 'shortDescription': 'ShuBenRSI',11 'is_hidden_study': true,12 'is_price_study': true,13 'isCustomIndicator...